Am I really?

Sometimes the thoughts flow so easily and sometimes it is so hard to gather them together.They are like the stars dispersed in the sky and randomly floating through the mind....I could never really guess their significance and I just don't know why??Sometimes things become so erratic and I feel so burst out.It's so hard when you only don't know what's going on in your mind so far...I start feeling left out from anywhere and everywhere.Things which were supposed to be mine are not suddenly mine any more.Everyone is going away or is it simply I am walking away?


The Atom said…
Is it that you are throwing them away knowingly even if you want them? Or is it that they are still yours, you jus need to call out once.. but are you just simply ignoring it? not wanting to change.. or maybe scared? Just call out once and they'll be with you forever. Just go out to it.. don't shy away.. god bless.. :-)
shri said…
no one is going away u are running away.things which wer urs are nd will always be urs... only the thing is u jst call out yaaar things will come back to you.they are waiting for your call..perhaps they are confused. might be feeling the same thing what you are feeling right now...

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