Better unborn !

I wish I would haven't been born
I don't want this life of a thorn,
Where I always live on the mercy of others
Where I never get a sky of Colours
Where negativity is high over laughter
Where satisfaction is merely a teaser
Where all my desires are dangling into the infinity
Where there doesn't exist any cause for my Sanity
Where the World around me is eating me alive
Where struggle never ends to Survive
Where all my efforts are merging into useless
Where my Life is becoming day by day aimless
Where every new day is just like turning the page of a boring Book
Where every dream of mine is hung on the hook
Where I put up a new Happiness mask everyday
Where my opinions are as good as Hay
Where no one knows what real me is like
And everyone hates my image of Hype
Where the room for my feelings is always full
Where the cause for living is always drooled
I wish I would haven't been born
I don't want this Life of a Thorn...


Sandy said…
hey poorva - i understand life can be pretty difficult at times, but it not the same all the times. I understand coz mine is passing thro that phase now... the past was better and so will be the future...

You do have the gift to write poetry, but why all of them should be so depressing? cheer up!

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