Celebrating Anniversary...
The year has gone by. Time flew unknowingly...The day used to start at 5.30 am and end at around 1am.That's the only same thing around. Things have changed from WNS to Indian Magic Eye and college and yes,Purushottam too. Friends are new...Work is different...Working culture is different...Approach is different...Some friends got married, some are now even pregnant, some lost their jobs, some got promoted, some newly found love, some still searching for it, some got betrayed, some got hurt, some found new trust, some lives changed, some got reincarnated...and then where was I ,all those times?...I was a silent apprehender every time...and a silent observer sometimes....Some people left their remarks forever to remember, some silently walked away, some new entered with the promise to forever stay...I discovered the hidden/unknown self..realised many things...lend an hearing ear to some and asked for the same from some....people...people. People.....It’s always people who walk in your life, help create memories, carve yourself, and destroy your world. Some give new edge to your existing world...so this is a tribute to all those people who were there, who are there and who will stand by...They are there and they care. A big thank you to all, for being there and lighting up the hope for living....