Here and there

Life is progressing in bits and pieces and productive life is clinging to negative infinity..the only mood saddhya is "mood nahie" phase to do whatever may be..since I am left with nothing else thinking and thinking like mad is the only thing up on the mind.
And that's causing the problems.
Why people want freshers while marrying and at least 2 years experience while offering offering a job?
why people you thought knew you the best acting as if its not their fault?
why the rain outside calming the sun scorched earth is not able to calm the storm within?
why consistently I am denied anything and everything?
why people don't behave and act and feel at least once the way you want them to?
why these whys again and again have to occupy mind when I don't want them to...
why I have always have to detach myself from something to avoid the consequences of something else?
and why all these things are so painful yet have no option than to try.....


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Questions again !!